

Dani Nikitenko
Mentor: Giulia Tomasello

Have you ever felt discomfort when it comes to intimate health? If yes, you’re not alone. The social stigmatization often reaches so far, that the own body becomes a taboo topic. We believe: By changing the conversation itself, we can change the way people engage with intimate health on a larger scale. GYNTASTIC develops services and products to strengthen body literacy. Through their offers, they empower those who work in gynecology practices as well as patients and other interested parties. It all started with “Beside blood – cycle exploration”, the product series of objects to explore cycle-related changes in the body. Each tool deals with one aspect of the cycle: changes in the cervix, basal body temperature, cervical secretion, breast and menorrhea. GYNTASTIC aims to provide emancipatory solutions to improve intimate health for all.



+49 30 47705 410

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